me me me

Monday, December 13, 2010


this day i got my classmate cry by pretdning im angry with her i think at that time im a good artist but i feel sorry hahaha by the way im not angry at her im angry at our 1 classmate because teasing me or joking me that not sounds good really hurts me so at our going home i apologize to her and tell her who i am angry at i'm very thankful because she take my apologize at her

Saturday, December 11, 2010

very sad day

i'm too sad because my sister scold me and she push the computer's button and suddenly it shutdown i wanna punch her but i can't because she's my sister and my mom will be angry at me super sad because i can't depend myself of this evil sister my 2nd sister but i can forget her i have my another sister my 1st sister oldest she's strict but she's not scolding and saying bad words with me we have good relation so were happy together ^_^ thats all

btw i hate sore throat like my fan so i wish to the two of us will be healthy and don't be sick again

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

happy sad concious excited !!

im happy because i pass our quiz yesterday
sad because i was scolded because i did'nt clean our classroom haha!! because at house i did'nt even do  a single thing not like at school.... hate school about cleaners for the day /...
concious about my classmate because she's vomiting inside our classroom and i hate that way!!! 101 yuck super i hate people seeing them vomiting

by the way i did'nt go home early because we go to our favorite place in the porridge club eat and eat again and again and i was lucky because my classmate treat me hehehe i save my money because of that haha!! ^_^

and im excited about the play we will watch at sm north the title is 4C a story about love??

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

happy day!!

i'm happy today because my toothache was gone and i'm able to go to school now but at school i feel excepted because im not listening to the lectures but im doing some noisy list but i like it hahaha 100 % but i hate being a school officer as a secretary because i hate when my hands are in not in good condition like shaking and can't write ,...even holding other things so i wanna resign as a school secretary being a secretary is harder than being a president yahhh i know it !! but at first i really don't want it because someone just voted me that i did'nt know and then suddenly they tell me that im the classroom secretary i was angry at that time i told them who told you to do that you did'nt give permission first i'm really angry ....super angry  ^_^

bye bye it's already 2:27 in the morning kinda sleepy now jja!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

unfortunate day

i got a wound on my feet ,toothache and my hands are shaking to death because of writing non-stop because im a secretary in school to many things to write down our board... and also my lips are  dry and it also have a wound just a little scratch but you guys don't need to worry ^_^  and i wanna sleep now but i can't insomnia is here again but insomnia is good so i can finish all my assignment but too tired now because i did'nt sleep early yesterday and also today

by the way everyone do my title fits to my story a true story of mine??

im such a emo right now hahaha but did you notice my hair is braided so cool like a rock star haha hope you guys like it ^_^

stupid timeof mine !!

today sucks because of this toothache because im not able to go to school and you know guys that i really like school i love studying learning and have fun around with my classmates but i'm broke today because im absent one of my biggest sin is to have a absent because i don't wanna be use to it because when i was in grade 6 i was always absent even if im not sick i'm just doing internet im a addict to internet surfing when i was grade 6 at the age of 11 but now i have my schedule when i am to going to open this computer because my mom tell me i will not give your allowance so i stop being addicted to it but i think now it's getting started again hahaha like now im not sleeping and then sometimes not eating just to go to the computer and have fun hehehe i know im a stupid about that one

ok it's finish now i already type the words oopss sorry the story what is happening on me everyday so i make this blog so other people can read what and who is i am ..

^_^ ^0^ O.O @.@  hahahaha stupid,cute,smart(a little bit),crazy and a computer addict <coleen>

Sunday, December 5, 2010

my sis mimi birthday

my sis birthday is kinda happy a little celebration and we eat spaghetti,graham,salad and specially birthday cake ....from goldilocks but i hate the flavor mocha again .... again  because it's my uncle's favorite flavor of cake and his the one who buy the cake ... so i eat it because it's only sometimes we can eat those kind of food ... by the way i will translate down their different languages for HAPPY BIRTHDAY

happy birthday-english
otanjoubi omedetto お誕生日おめでとうございます-japanese
maligayang kaarawan-tagalog filipino 
생일 축하-korean
feliz cumpleaños-spanish

ok it's finish now ^_^ bye bye jja ne~


i hate this day because i can't go to school and eat because of these toothache whatta ouchh even drinking cold water hurts what am i going to do nahhh it super hurts and im kinda weak now no strength to go outside our house to go anywhere so boring so im doing korean studying and watch some video's because i can't do anything

im hungry i wanna eat now but my teeth really hurts

i wanna eat this strawberry cake my favorite 

i love him ^0^

i love him but he did'nt know about it .So depressed about that it really hurts that i see him sad with the girl with him always. I wanna go back to him but his taken kinda bad nahh i feel i'm in a lock door can't go near him and it felts so hard that i know that he did'nt love me now that's was just he said to me but he then realize that he really love me what a shock about that he's being a prison with someone he does'nt really love and that love is like a lie. I wanna go back again find a new good start a happy life around us but what will happen if his girlfriend won't let him go back to me kinda sad but he doesn't really want to be with that girl and suddenly that girl push him to love her again but my love (ex-bf) won't do that because he wanna prove to me how he rally love me and how to start a happy life with me again  he said in a shout (LEAVE ME ALONE WITH THE GIRL I LOVE I DON'T REALLY LOVE YOU AT ALL IT KINDA HURTS BUT THAT'S THE TRUE  SORRY)

i'll continue about that maybe tomorrow or my next online ^_^


boring lol ^_^

i'm kinda boring right now just watching some video's how bout you guys?? what'cha doin for now ? and i'm in the korean mode now not japanese because i just notice that i already forgot my korean language nahh!! ! to boring loorr ok bye bye

chhuuuu  <11coleen4>

spread my link and then follow me guys ^_^

hahahaha lol whatta pic of mine !!!! shy about that one nehh

Saturday, December 4, 2010

hello minna-san im coleen abad

12 years old

from philippines

speak english.tagalog and a little korean and japanese

love communicating at other people and love internet surfing ^_^