me me me

Sunday, April 10, 2011


it's been a long time since i update my blog ..yeah kinda busy with school but now im not busy these day only but tomorrow i got a job with modeling ... kinda bad right couz i know many of you wants to read my updates everyday like last .. last month from what i extended online... couz that time i was addicted with online community..... but dont worry i will be back after a few days to update my blog again ...

bye bye n3n!!!

Monday, January 31, 2011

a friend of mine died

CRYING.. a friend of mine just died and she died because of cancer of the bones that was so sad i was just talking to her yesterday but now she's gone that was so bad.. minna get me over with this i don't want any of my friends dying like that she's a precious friend of mine... i'll treasure the memories i have with her and i'll always pray that she was happy there up.. i mean heaven oh god why? why this time you should give her some time to enjoy and fullfill this happy life.. why all of sudden i hate it ...:(:(:(:(  

she did a lie for a months but i forgive her but now why god take her all of sudden lying is not a big sin to take her up there and punish her to have a sick like cancer i wish i was just dreaming but now i'm not here typing in the computer what's going on and crying remember those times i have with her

i can get over with this ..i have many problem now but im not minding those the most important is my  friend who just died this morning .. and i don't know what im going to do if a friend of mine died and that was so like... asgffhhkksgd like that and my emotion and moves can't control of being emotional

just wanna share it to you guys ok this is for now and im going to think of this moment and i will try to get over this.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


/down as you can see it's my message to the boy i really love and that's kinda embarassing

ahh you know yama-chan this is the first time i confess my feelings for a boy that i love and that is you but you know it's kinda embarassing but i just wanna show my feelings that i keep inside my heart for a long time... i'm not in love with you just because your a artist i love you because that's what i feel when i see you ,..... my heart beats like ... tug tug tug very fast but you know for a girl that's hard to confess not like boys they can confess there feelings publicly but for me girls are not weak to show there feelings ..and that's all i wanna say .. (blush)

hmm lol~ing now if you read this and waiting for your reply this message is such a embarassing message i send to a guy .. and you know i choose you because i think your the perfect guy..that can make people happy being with you..

gomen for sending this but i just wanna show you what i feel
<3<3<3<3<3 reply anything you want at least it came from deep inside you heart

Friday, January 28, 2011


i was lucky today because i won at our school raffle tickets i get the first price and then got it celebrated with some math teacher's in our school and have a little fun with my other co-officers at math bureau and yeah it was fun and im super happy and then suddenly my classmate was kinda annoying because you know when we finish celebrating he stalked me and i hate it so much 101 % hate him duh!! i hate stalker... ok let's get back to the other side of my story i was greet by many people even if i don't know them haha!! others are snob because they tell that i cheat but i don't care about that im a good person ne~ i can't do it you know guys god is always there he can see whatever we're doin in this world so let those people ... arghh nevermind ne ok this will be the update post for today

but the price i got (cellphone) ,.. i give it to my mom because what i just mention last day my mom got her cellphone lost and i present this as a birthday gift to her and my mom was happy that im a good daughter duh as always ^_^

hmm like what i always say see my blog if i got the everyday post hmm and i don't know if i gonna promise that i will update again.. tomorrow because i think it's gonna be a busy day *0*

Thursday, January 27, 2011

boredom strikes

i got bored do i take a picture as always..

pain pain pain be gone

oh my god i don't know what's happening with me i got a heart ache, stomach ache, headache and also a pain in my feet due to injury duh!! be gone now not feeling so well for now.. god help me .. i want to be healthy and no more pain in my body anymore..

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


oh my god my mom got home already but her mood is kinda bad because her cellphone got lost a a tricycle and you know when see try to catch the driver ... the driver drive faster my mom just want to get her cellphone but why the driver won't give it to her it's just a cellphone duh!! hate those kind of people bitch!